Too annoying. Very too annoying. I really wish that you didn't have to do that assenine voice for the blonde guy. It just manages to make me pissed off at your animation. The voice is not funny, it's just annoying.
The animation wasn't particularly special, all been done before. Your style is not good for somewhat-3d looking scenes, so don't do it unless you want to look n00bish. Sorry, even if you are LF, you can still appear n00bish.
The animation as a whole was not very good. The little tiny things are what made it alright. The hair flowing, the blood on the glass, and the stretchy arm monster scene were the redeeming qualities of it.
Your subtitles use improper grammar, and AIM sound effects for almost everything. That annoys me. I think AIM engineered its sounds to be annoying.
Seriously, I'm glad you got multiple voice actors for this. Tom and Dim were nice to hear, and Claire's voice actor was very very good. I hate blonde guy though. Pleease don't ever make another character like him.